BLUE CARD Concussion Initiative

What's the blue card?

Player welfare is NZ Rugby's prority which is why we're introducing the Blue Card Concussion Initiative.
Concussion can be serious and requires proper rest and management.
Referees will issue a Blue Card to players who sustain a head knock during a rugby game and demonstrate symptoms of concussion.
When issued a Blue Card, the player must leave the field of play and can't return during the match.

Why a Blue Card?

The Blue Card aims to:

  • Enhance player safety and welfare
  • Improve concussion management
  • Support player recovery and long-term health

The Blue Card Concussion Initiative extrends out player welfare protocols. It helps everyone in rugby better manage this potentially serious injury.

What happens when a referee issues a Blue Card?

The player must leave the game, and can't return to play in that match. The player must then:

  • Rest until there's no on-going symptoms
  • Complete the minimum stand down period (21 days for adults, 23 days for under 19 players)
  • Undertake a Graduated Return to Play Protocol
  • Obtain medical clearance to return to play

NB: If you receive a Blue Card, seek medical advice within 24 hours.

Tak to your local Provincial Union for more information about the levels of rugby the Blue Card Concussion Initiative applies to in your region.

For more on Blue Card visit  

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